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Kalon Ar Fest.*

* Can be translated by "The life of the Party".

* "Le Coeur de la Fête"

Canon EOS 70D
1/400s f/8.0 at 150.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pat08-Aug-2017 09:40
Quelle ambiance...!!! Bien rendue. V
Pierre06-Aug-2017 11:09
Une très belle photo de ce groupe musical en pleine action dans un superbe décor! V
barbarajoy05-Aug-2017 09:11
Rousing shot, well captured! V
Gill Kopy05-Aug-2017 04:21
Wish we could turn the sound up :) How wonderful it must sound echoing through the streets - wish I was there :( Love this shot - so full of exuberance BV
Nirvan Hope05-Aug-2017 03:58
Must have been quite loud! I can almost hear them marching down the street!
janescottcumming05-Aug-2017 00:52
Great setting and a fine looking crew. V
Jeff Real04-Aug-2017 23:08
You have really captured the spirit of the moment!
Carol E Sandgren04-Aug-2017 22:07
I can feel the excitement of the band playing from here! Wonderful mood of elation and spirit!
bill friedlander04-Aug-2017 20:47
Pride of place and culture is very evident. Excellent timing for the arms in the air. V
Martin Lamoon04-Aug-2017 19:52
A fine village band
Ton T.04-Aug-2017 19:51
Excellent shot Daniel! Love the black on the foreground and the light in the background V
Nick Paoni04-Aug-2017 19:31
Cool shot. Love the background and how the cheeks of the bagpipers are all puffed up.
Colin Storey04-Aug-2017 19:05
Wonderful image of these artists.
Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2017 18:01
Great action shot and lovely background setting. All that and I'm partial to bagpipes. Vote.
globalgadabout04-Aug-2017 17:36
looks like a spirited caught a lively moment so well..V
Neil Marcus04-Aug-2017 17:33
Ardent marchers proud of playing for the fest. Well taken image of them, Daniel. "V"
Tom Munson04-Aug-2017 16:45
Looks like a fun time, Daniel.
peterjay4504-Aug-2017 16:33
Outstanding capture of this pipe band. Wonderful colours and contrast, excellent photography, Daniel.
joseantonio04-Aug-2017 16:16
very nice capture of this band in action.V.
Jim Coffman04-Aug-2017 15:48
A great head-on capture of this band!
Helen Betts04-Aug-2017 15:48
What a great capture of these musicians in action. Perfectly timed, too. V.
Walter Otto Koenig04-Aug-2017 15:47
Great shot of this ban with their costumes. Really like it with this long focal length and background. "V"
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