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Canon Image Challenge | all galleries >> Challenges From The Past >> 2017 Challenges >> CIC163 A Touch Of Color >> Exhibition > I'm Still Standing
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22-FEB-2017 Paul Alters

I'm Still Standing

Overland Park KS view map

I didn't count the rings but I think we're about the same age. This guy recently kicked the bucket and had a date with the chain saw but I'm still here and "I'm still standing". Yea, Yea, Yea. Can you guess who sang that song? No googling allowed.

Apple iPhone 6S
1/999s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso5000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Canon Image Challenge16-Mar-2017 03:19
Some might find this odd but the reason I choose to post this was a simple feature in
the snapshot that many might have missed. My favorite feature in this is the light shining through belt buckle holes on my pants leg. Paul
Canon Image Challenge16-Mar-2017 02:02
Very impressive treatment...I like this....common made wonderful. Traveller
Canon Image Challenge15-Mar-2017 17:39
The effect is a slight HDR effect using Topaz Adjust and I was mostly trying to enhance the rings. The belt is my well used leather tool pouch belt so the only rings on that guy is where it ring around my waist. I started to count the rings and inside no problem since they are big and spread out but on the outer part of the tree it becomes more difficult. In the end It may be possible that I out lived this grand pin-oak tree. Paul
Canon Image Challenge15-Mar-2017 13:15
You mention that you and the tree are close to the same age based on rings - it almost looks like the rings are in the belt. I like how the pants, belt and boots are almost watercolor like. Very cool - Ralph
Guest 15-Mar-2017 00:20
Captain Fantastic (AKA...)
