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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (44 Galleries) >> Other Places > Temple of Heaven
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May, 1998

Temple of Heaven

Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

Best viewed at original size.

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George McCarten26-May-2021 11:08
A fine perspective of the temple. Something about round structures that are so captivating.
danad22-Mar-2017 13:57
A superb composition. You have beautifully captured this famous temple. V.
Julie Oldfield15-Mar-2017 01:17
Very very beautiful. I like the lanterns leading to the temple. V
Ton T.14-Mar-2017 18:21
Superbly composed Dan! V
Helen Betts14-Mar-2017 14:31
Very nicely composed capture with the leading lines, and such an impressive structure. V.
Neil Marcus14-Mar-2017 13:43
A fine row for a leading line to the temple. You DO get around! "VV"