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Gene Paull | all galleries >> Galleries >> guatemala_volcanoscapes > Volcan de Fuego - Pyroclastic channels
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Volcan de Fuego - Pyroclastic channels

Notice the caņada (stream channel) in the foreground and the ash flows near the summit of the Volcan de Fuego. This is a composite volcano and when it erupts it ejects an avalanche of gas, ash, and rock - pyroclastic flow. The caņada fills with this debris and lahars (volcanic mudflow). Can you believe there is a housing development and gold course right at the base of this volcano? Lots of luck! Image taken near Escuintla, Guatemala.

Panasonic LUMIX LX7
1/100s f/8.0 at 11.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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