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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> This & That Daily > Jenny Gray
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05-OCT-2016 Carol J Phipps

Jenny Gray

This pic has a back story-- Jenny is an over-eater.
I've resorted to rationing her food (a particular feat since I have 2 cats).
Since Jenny has lost a pound or two she can jump up on top of this table.
Gracie whom is naturally thin jumps up without any trouble.
Here Jenny looks SO Self-satisfied lying where Gracie usually does.

Apple iPhone 5s
1/15s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Oct-2016 05:08
Jenny Gray is so pretty.
Allan Jay05-Oct-2016 20:57
Excellent composition, Carol!
Graeme05-Oct-2016 10:05
Lovely light and composure, Carol.V
regi olbrechts05-Oct-2016 09:59
Something quite surreal about this intriguing pic Carol. I kinda' like it ;-)
laine05-Oct-2016 06:38
she's lovely...
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