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Bill Miller | all galleries >> Photo Diary >> 2016 > Sea Pinks
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270416_1020070 27th April

Sea Pinks


I do like to see the sea pinks hugging the rocks in early summer.
These are hardy little plants that seeming survive rooted in cracks in the rock with no soil.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GM5
1/800s f/7.1 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dave Petersen Photography30-Apr-2016 14:46
Love the DOF and colors in this very beautiful capture. If only I could smell the sea air I would feel like I was there. Very nice work Bill. Voted+
coaster29-Apr-2016 21:37
A beautiful colorful composition!
Buz Kiefer29-Apr-2016 18:01
Wonderful photo and a spot on DoF with a great background. Vote.
LindavdVeeken29-Apr-2016 12:52
Beautiful and colorfull shot. gr, Linda
joseantonio28-Apr-2016 16:22
very nice composition and colors.V
Stephanie28-Apr-2016 12:13
A poppin' fresh beauty! The oof sea adds so much to this image! :)
Bryan Murahashi28-Apr-2016 04:43
Beautiful colors and coastal blooms. V
Dennis Hoyne28-Apr-2016 02:13
The colors are so nice in this image. I would guess over time these kind of plants that can survive in those conditions, along with moisture and cold, help break down the rocks.
A beautiful composition! V.
Don27-Apr-2016 21:43
A wonderful juxtaposition of flower and sea.
Ton T.27-Apr-2016 21:01
Most beautiful image Bill! Love the use of DOF V+
Johnny JAG27-Apr-2016 20:07
It's a thrifty little plant
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Apr-2016 18:17
Excellent. V
LynnH27-Apr-2016 16:15
Pretty pinks! And the DOF and focus are good. I love to see how plants and trees adapt and survive. V
peterjay4527-Apr-2016 15:55
Nice, colourful picture.
Helen Betts27-Apr-2016 15:02
Lovely composition with a wonderful array of color.
Ted Aanensen27-Apr-2016 14:34
love you colors and clarity Bill
Nick Paoni27-Apr-2016 14:19
Love how Nature has a way of taking a foothold in even in the least hospitable places. Cool shot showing ocean in the background for context. V
Konrad Busslinger27-Apr-2016 14:19
Great shot with great sharpnes and soft background. Very beautiful! V
Pieter Bos27-Apr-2016 14:12
Very nice flower image! ~V
Jim Coffman27-Apr-2016 13:30
A well composed colorful image, Bill...
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