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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oiseaux du Québec - Birds of Quebec > Bruant A Gorge Blanche / White - throated Sparrow
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Bruant A Gorge Blanche / White - throated Sparrow

Canon EOS 70D
1/400s f/7.1 at 420.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Graeme25-Oct-2015 20:43
Stunning close up! VV
Buz Kiefer25-Oct-2015 19:09
Lovely color, setting and pose. Vote.
Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2015 19:09
Superb! V
jychamberland25-Oct-2015 14:53
une belle capture Jean!
Stephanie25-Oct-2015 13:37
Gorgeous capture of this pretty sparrow! BV
Julie Oldfield25-Oct-2015 04:20
Very beautiful detail. V
larose forest photos25-Oct-2015 01:02
Exceptional detail on this lovely sparrow. Very well done. VV
Martin Lamoon24-Oct-2015 19:49
Almost hidden in the reeds.
Walter Otto Koenig24-Oct-2015 19:22
Excellent with this sharp detail. Love the lighting in the eye. "V"
bill friedlander24-Oct-2015 16:22
Superb! Lovely pose, light and details. V
hamery24-Oct-2015 15:14
Wow...A great detail and colorful sparrow; soaking wet and dry up under the sun. Clarity and light are excellent ! Jean. BV+++++
Dave Petersen Photography24-Oct-2015 14:43
The lighting and details are superb. Another beautiful capture of this bird!! Voted+
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal24-Oct-2015 14:14
The sharpness is perfect Jean, well done. V
Blandine Mangin24-Oct-2015 14:02
superbe prise !v
Marcia Colelli24-Oct-2015 12:59
Beautiful detailed capture with nice pose and light.V
gilles Tardif24-Oct-2015 11:48
Superbe dans son environnement.
joseantonio24-Oct-2015 07:28
Beautiful in every details.V.
Claude Gagnon24-Oct-2015 02:46
Belle présentation Jean :))
Jeff Real24-Oct-2015 02:33
Every detail looks really wonderful here ~V~
Hank Vander Velde24-Oct-2015 00:46
Nice sharp shot Jean. Good back-looking pose too.