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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vacances au Nouveau Brunswick et Nouvelle Écosse _Travelling In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia > New Brunswick
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New Brunswick

Pentax K20D
1/400s f/8.0 at 75.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Graeme19-Jun-2016 11:59
A wonderful setting.BV
Pierre13-Aug-2015 20:51
Une très belle photo champêtre, bravo Jean! V
Stephanie21-Jul-2015 22:05
How pretty! :) V
Ton T.21-Jul-2015 20:19
Stunning image Jean!! V+
woody3420-Jul-2015 00:24
Wonderful capture of this old barn.It looks huge and is of a style we don't have here.Lovely the way you the field of yellow flowers in the sets the scene off perfectly.V
Tom LeRoy19-Jul-2015 18:03
A beautiful summertime shot, Jean. The barn and yellow field is so charming! BV
Anitta19-Jul-2015 17:35
Wonderful image with great summer feeling. Beautiful barn and field of flowers. V
joseantonio19-Jul-2015 16:22
Lovely with those flowers in the foreground.V.
Dave Petersen Photography19-Jul-2015 16:20
A very beautiful barn and setting. I like how you composed this image and the excellent detail that you captured. It really has a wonderful summer mood Jean. Voted
Julie Oldfield19-Jul-2015 15:54
A very lovely capture. Nice color. V
Carol Rollins19-Jul-2015 15:43
A beautiful rural scene so well composed.
Neil Marcus19-Jul-2015 15:43
A venerable old barn. Lovely foreground.
Zeeby19-Jul-2015 15:12
A quite bulky building but has a lot of charm in itself, great capture! V
Jim Coffman19-Jul-2015 14:59
I love a rural scene like this! Well done,Jean!
Walter Otto Koenig19-Jul-2015 14:50
A well composed shot of this old barn. Very nice work Jean. "V"