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Claude Gagnon | all galleries >> Souvenirs de voyage - Birds around the world >> Oiseaux de l'Équateur 2015 Ecuador birds > Tityre masqué - Masked Tityra
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Tityre masqué - Masked Tityra

Rio Silanche

Sony Alpha 55
1/800s f/6.3 at 600.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Suzanne Lanthier24-Apr-2015 21:18
Il semble très curieux ce Tityre. Quel paradis que l'Équateur !
gilles Tardif23-Apr-2015 10:54
Quel superbe oiseau Claude.
Torben Jorgensen23-Apr-2015 07:33
Excellent shot Claude. V
Helen Betts23-Apr-2015 07:20
They certainly have a rich variety of birds in Ecuador, and another one that you've captured beautifully.
Shmuel Halevi23-Apr-2015 05:42
Amazing looking bird.
Gerard Koehl23-Apr-2015 04:59
Splendide. V
Jim Coffman23-Apr-2015 01:59
A very fine capture of this little beauty,Claude!
Hank Vander Velde23-Apr-2015 01:43
Excellent sharp and well exposed shot claude.
Tom Munson23-Apr-2015 01:27
Sharp and perfectly exposed. Well done.
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