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Mairéad | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2015 - A year in pictures > Me Time
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Me Time

Finished work early today so popped into the Flower Market for a cup of coffee and a browse through their glossy magazines.
Treated myself to a new pot plant which will, no doubt, feature here shortly.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alan K01-Apr-2015 21:56
If it survives the attentions and face rubbing from yesterday's subject anyway.
LynnH25-Mar-2015 22:36
Love the quaintness of the chandelier and clock. I especially like the Roman Numerals... which add a nostalgic touch. Great lighting. V
Neal Nye25-Mar-2015 11:06
Such an enjoyable image. That one glowing light just called out to you!
Yvonne25-Mar-2015 09:44
That's the sort of thing I love to do for pleasure too... v
globalgadabout25-Mar-2015 03:29
always a treat to finish ahead of deadline, and then seize the free caught the afternoon light so well here..
laine24-Mar-2015 23:20
A perfect place to be...good for you!!
Helen Betts24-Mar-2015 22:17
Such a striking composition! I think you got much more than just a cup of coffee and potted plant there! V.
Johnny JAG24-Mar-2015 21:54
Timeless image, ............ well apart from the clock........
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Mar-2015 20:55
Bellissimo! V
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