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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> AIRPLANE > Douglas World Cruiser Seattle II, Operational Test, Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington
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Douglas World Cruiser Seattle II, Operational Test, Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington

This is a replica of the original Douglas World Cruiser. It took Bob and Diane Dempster and volunteers about 13 years to complete. They are planning retrace the original flight around the world. Hopefully next April on floats

Nikon D810
1/200s f/14.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
fotabug14-Dec-2014 20:10
Wonderful old plane! Have you flown anything like it?
Dave Berry14-Dec-2014 17:51
That is beautiful, and a clear, sharp shot. Wonderful composition. Thanks for sharing! V!
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