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Penny B | all galleries >> Galleries >> Fort Myers Beach and Vicinity, 2014 > Osprey: SERIES 3
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March, 2014

Osprey: SERIES 3

Finally reaching shallow water.

Its wings now touch the sandy bottom. The osprey looks exhausted.

Finally able to stand up.

And it still has the fish!
To be continued….

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe30-Nov-2014 15:13
Hank Vander Velde21-Nov-2014 23:11
What a great effort by the Osprey and what a SUPER capture and presentation of it Penny.
Stephanie21-Nov-2014 22:16
What a marvelous series Penny! I can't wait to see the continuation!!! :)
.....hopefully a Bald Eagle didn't come along and steal the fish away.....
Doug Griffith21-Nov-2014 21:58
With this amount of effort, I sure hope it gets to keep the fish!! Again, remarkable series, Penny.
hayl21-Nov-2014 21:16
Will he have the energy to eat it ??!!
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