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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> waterfowl > Mallards
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19-OCT-2014 Tom Munson


Spokane Co

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Ron E. Trees 04-Nov-2014 22:42
Is that being Duck pecked:)? Great shot Tom!!
Len23-Oct-2014 01:52
Excellent action & so typical!!!!
Tom LeRoy21-Oct-2014 13:40
Great catch of this playful Mallards, Tom. V
Michel Foucault21-Oct-2014 13:30
Beautiful action shot, congrats, well done.
Milan Vogrin21-Oct-2014 06:43
Great action shot!V!
Bryan Murahashi21-Oct-2014 04:46
Fabulous action shot and colors.
gray clements21-Oct-2014 04:00
fantastic,very nicely captured tom
Richard Vance21-Oct-2014 01:26
The chase is on! Terrific action shot, Tom!
Best regards,
Yi Feng21-Oct-2014 00:39
Wonderful action shot, Tom!
Jean Chiasson21-Oct-2014 00:31
Beautiful action shot Tom
Stephanie21-Oct-2014 00:08
Fabulous action shot Tom! V
godro20-Oct-2014 23:21
Nice image, well done!
Hank Vander Velde20-Oct-2014 22:12
Great action shot Tom.
Pierre Martin20-Oct-2014 19:33
quite an action shot!!
great capture Tom
Joseph V Higbee20-Oct-2014 16:47
These kind of photos make you think of the different captions that could be used.
The action and reaction captured is so expressive.
joseantonio20-Oct-2014 16:27
Excellent timing. Very nice work capturing that beauty.V
Bob Davis20-Oct-2014 16:20
nice capture Tom... well done
Anthony Joseph20-Oct-2014 15:58
Stream capture!
Wintermeer20-Oct-2014 15:05
Amazing- I like the colors and the details! ~V~
Char20-Oct-2014 15:03
What a fantastic and wonderful second to capture, Tom! This made me catch my breath just looking at it. \/
Yaki Zander.20-Oct-2014 14:58
Beautiful image.
Donna Hollinger20-Oct-2014 14:53
Love the colors...and the action! ~V~
fotabug20-Oct-2014 14:50
Oh, oh someone is being chased away! Great shot!