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WGRF | all galleries >> Galleries >> WGRF #48 - Harrisburg PA 2013 > 142 - Saturday afternoon - Muddy Creek Fork PA
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142 - Saturday afternoon - Muddy Creek Fork PA

waiting for the sun in Muddy Creek Fork

here's some info on the area:

Muddy Creek Forks Historic District is a national historic district located
at the Village of Muddy Creek Forks in East Hopewell, Fawn, and Lower Chanceford Townships
in York County, Pennsylvania. The district includes 12 contributing buildings, 1 contributing site, and 5 contributing structures.
The buildings and structures were constructed between about 1800 and 1935. The buildings include the general store,
six houses, a mill, grain elevator, warehouse, and Sweitzer barn. Most of the buildings incorporate Late Victorian style details.
The structures are two bridges, a corn crib, a weigh station, and a mill race. The site is the site of a former mill
and mill pond and is on the mainline of the old MA & Pa Railroad

Mike Sosalla photo

Nikon D90
1/160s f/6.3 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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