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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> cellar_art > Cellar Art...54
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Cellar Art...54

Nikon D7000 ,AF-S DX Micro..NIKKOR, 85mmf/3.5G ED VR
1/13s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pierre11-Apr-2014 23:17
Une très belle présentation avec de beaux détails! V
John Reynolds LRPS11-Apr-2014 21:08
A great label - makes you want to try the wine!
Simon Chandler11-Apr-2014 20:45
Excellent capture. v
Karen Stuebing11-Apr-2014 20:44
Nice to see the vineyard on the label. It looks like it's been in operation for a while. Great art. V.
Tom LeRoy11-Apr-2014 19:26
A fine traditional label. Nice sharp image, Bob. V
globalgadabout11-Apr-2014 16:01
very image with the dark lower area..
Richard Marcus11-Apr-2014 15:05
Your image has certainly created a desire to sample Tyrrell's wines! V
bill friedlander11-Apr-2014 14:57
I wouldn't mind going there for a tasting session. Lovely shot. V
Yvonne11-Apr-2014 10:42
What a special label this is! v
Kim11-Apr-2014 08:12
Looks great Bob! A good one for sure! V
Zeeby11-Apr-2014 07:17
Nice find! V
laine11-Apr-2014 05:57
That's a good length of time from our early days to be still growing strong
Mary Hamilton11-Apr-2014 04:31
"Old Winery"...I like the sound of that! Nice shot.
joseantonio11-Apr-2014 04:03
Very nice presentation for this good wine.V.
LynnH11-Apr-2014 00:08
A very nice color for the Pinot Noir. :) V
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