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Gill Kopy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Odds and Ends > Fraser Lk Graveyard.jpg
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Fraser Lk Graveyard.jpg

Canon EOS 6D
1/400s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean Chiasson14-Sep-2017 23:21
Splendid presentation Gill BV
Ron LaCroix23-Aug-2017 05:34
Apparently she has very warm feet! Nice find.
Martha Albuquerque30-May-2015 11:18
So lovely!!! V
Guest 21-Feb-2015 01:43
Beautiful composition. Nice light. V.
Jeff Real25-Jan-2014 16:15
A compelling and moving image. V
woody3425-Jan-2014 01:40
An amazing image, Beautiful and thought provoking...V
Tom LeRoy24-Jan-2014 20:34
A touching image, excellent light and detail. V
Helen Betts24-Jan-2014 19:23
A very poignant image, beautifully captured. V.
bill friedlander24-Jan-2014 15:33
Superbly composed and captured. Light and details are spot on! V
Neil Marcus24-Jan-2014 10:11
Makes you think...
joseantonio24-Jan-2014 05:19
Wow, really amazing..
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