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Wm. Bates | all galleries >> Galleries >> Timber and Gentry along with other setters > Pheasant hunt 11_17_13.jpg
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Pheasant hunt 11_17_13.jpg

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Rick Bricker08-Sep-2014 05:45
Really nice shot of you and the dogs trouncing through the tall grass...and what a breathtaking backdrop!V
waterfalls man22-Nov-2013 02:19
Superb! V
Milan Vogrin19-Nov-2013 07:53
Very nice photo!V!
John Lester18-Nov-2013 14:12
I know it's hard living in a place with such boring vistas.
Jim Peterson18-Nov-2013 13:14
pretty nice, Bill....
Jola Dziubinska17-Nov-2013 23:05
Beautiful landscape and fall colors. V.