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17-SEP-2013 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Our Delightful Guest

This is another photo of the volunteer Amaryllis Belladonna (Naked Lady) that came up in our backyard.
Now that the rains have started, it will soon be gone. But we have certainly been delighted with our lovely new friend. :)

Other posted photos of the Amaryllis Belladonna: and

For flower information, see -

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Unrepentant snapshooter!01-Jun-2017 16:16
Robert Ballard28-Sep-2013 17:23
fara123-Sep-2013 11:42
loved this one a superb shot,v
Dan Greenberg22-Sep-2013 05:42
Love it! ~BV~
REYHAN22-Sep-2013 05:22
Delightful! V
Paul Milholland21-Sep-2013 23:06
Looks terrific against the dark background.
Julie Oldfield21-Sep-2013 15:15
This is gorgeous.
Ann20-Sep-2013 13:33
Stunning image Vern. *v*
Laura Milholland19-Sep-2013 21:34
Ah, she's certainly a happy girl! Superb shot, Vern.
Buz Kiefer19-Sep-2013 17:20
Very sharp. Beautiful detail and color. Well isolated against a black BG. Well done, Vern. Vote.
Hernan E. Enriquez19-Sep-2013 04:35
Very nice, Vern! V
Steve Thuman19-Sep-2013 03:16
Wow! You can't ask for better color or clarity than this!
momad3004418-Sep-2013 21:37
Beautiful against the black background! V
Martin Lamoon18-Sep-2013 20:41
Wonderful detail and colour against the dark background. v
Julie Oldfield18-Sep-2013 19:20
Really lovely!
Frank Brault18-Sep-2013 18:27
So beautiful against the black! Terrific work. V
Guest 18-Sep-2013 17:12
Just gorgeous!! My color!!
parrothouse18-Sep-2013 14:56
Looks great against the dark background.
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS18-Sep-2013 14:32
Vern there beautiful, can you invite your guests over to my house!
Guest 18-Sep-2013 14:18
Awesome image of these blossoms, Vern...
They really stand out nicely against that dark BG...
Jack Hoying18-Sep-2013 13:37
That's a real beauty! I hope they spread and you'll have more next year.
Walter Otto Koenig18-Sep-2013 13:30
Perfect against the dark background. "V"
Clay Swatzell 18-Sep-2013 13:13
Very lovely Vern. This is one of your best shots.
Jim Coffman18-Sep-2013 12:57
Bob Moeller18-Sep-2013 12:51
Super presentation of a flawless Lady! V
Hank Vander Velde18-Sep-2013 12:43
A beautiful floral image Vern The nice dark bg make the flowers appear to be floating in the frame. Well done.
joseantonio18-Sep-2013 12:15
Love tht name of naked lady...V.
Ken Duckert18-Sep-2013 11:43
Who cannot love delightful naked ladies! And these are perfectly wonderful, Terrific shot Vern!
Ruth Voorhis18-Sep-2013 11:17
Sam Rua18-Sep-2013 11:15
Gorgeous capture, Vern. V.
Guest 18-Sep-2013 10:44
Lovely, and no doubt you will get more.
We have a cluster of these in our garden and they are common in our area.
danad18-Sep-2013 09:48
Beautifully presented. V.
Janice Dunn18-Sep-2013 09:00
Hopefully it will multiply next year - and you'll get more naked ladies showing up!!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography18-Sep-2013 08:32
Beautiful and sexy, Vote !
Ed Duverger18-Sep-2013 08:00
Wow,so beautiful.Hope it will be there next year as well.
graham 18-Sep-2013 07:59
super shot Vern
John Ewing18-Sep-2013 07:23
Very striking, and not in the least naked.
Bea.18-Sep-2013 06:33
It's positively glowing.
Chris Cochems 18-Sep-2013 06:18
I really like this one, Vern. Flawless execution.
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