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Mairéad | all galleries >> Galleries >> 30 Things About Me > #12
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I don't like rain and I don't like cobwebs but together they weave magic.

Nikon D7000
1/160s f/5.6 at 60.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine14-Sep-2013 09:44
Well, that is special...superb focus, mairead! V
Bill Ewart Jr14-Sep-2013 03:02
Definitely magical! Aced this shot!
Karen Stuebing13-Sep-2013 21:10
Gorgeous colors and the web and shiny droplets make a beautiful abstract. V.
J. Scott Coile13-Sep-2013 18:44
Super back ground.
janescottcumming13-Sep-2013 12:12
Wow, very cool! V
Terry Sprague13-Sep-2013 11:57
Fabulous catch! V
Neal Nye13-Sep-2013 11:09
You made a fascinating image of these two things that you don't like!
Mieke WA Minkjan13-Sep-2013 07:55
indeed they do, greatly captured
borisalex13-Sep-2013 07:11
Great background and patterns!
marko gregoric13-Sep-2013 04:21
Wonderful! V
Helen Betts13-Sep-2013 02:38
A marvelous capture, with a most fascinating subject. V.
carol j. phipps13-Sep-2013 02:24
Yes, you've captured the colorful magic. V
Fay Stout13-Sep-2013 01:40
They are beautiful together!
LynnH13-Sep-2013 01:38
This is really terrific. Love the floating globes and reflections. V
sue anne13-Sep-2013 00:44
Very pretty the two present themselves in artistic view. V
Barry S Moore12-Sep-2013 22:40
A beautiful combination. ~V~
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