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Mairéad | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Slice of Life > Posy
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Treated myself to a posy of beautifully scented sweetpea at Ravensdale
Country Market at the weekend.
Our heatwave has come to an end although it's still warm and muggy.
Grey skies and mist this evening but still no rain.

Nikon D7000
1/80s f/2.8 at 35.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine04-Aug-2013 00:04
Oh the smell must be heavenly...they look delightful
Colin Storey23-Jul-2013 14:34
Very nice still life image. v
Terry Sprague23-Jul-2013 13:34
Superb and beautiful still life. My sweet peas are just starting to bloom. V
pkocinski23-Jul-2013 12:05
Lovely still life.
Neal Nye23-Jul-2013 11:17
A perfectly lovely scene! Especially nice in that soft light.
larose forest photos23-Jul-2013 02:31
Oh, so beautiful! A well composed still-life. Love it. V
globalgadabout23-Jul-2013 02:22
a jug with punch..lovely colours though, well set against the rich wood tones and the squiggly column resembling an exotic baluster...V
Frank Brault23-Jul-2013 02:12
Gorgeous! V
Mary Terry22-Jul-2013 22:46
Pretty blooms (and vase!)
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