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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Night Photography > 2013 - Niagara Falls, Ontario - Canada
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John de Freitas

2013 - Niagara Falls, Ontario - Canada

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PBase Show & Tell Competition Winning Photographs




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Julie Oldfield15-Jul-2015 01:16
Awesome light. V
Milan Vogrin07-Jun-2015 17:35
Great image!V!
Dave Petersen Photography30-Dec-2014 15:19
Beautiful night photography and so well photographed. The color,lighting and clarity are fantastic. Voted
Photo.Keely26-Dec-2014 19:28
Nice work! Well done! V.
Barry McCartney22-Aug-2014 04:17
Lovely!!! VOTE
René Gysi02-Dec-2013 15:16
A wonderful night composition with beautiful colors and lights. Excellent work, John! V+
Brad Claypole28-Jun-2013 21:00
Great winner of a shot! BV
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jun-2013 16:05
An impressive night shot with this lighting and great clarity. Very well composed and exposed. "V"
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