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Jess. ( Lady.D.) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eyes on 2013 > Back to the Past
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16-May-2013 Jess H.M.2013

Back to the Past

When I was 16 I gave my mother a set of wine glasses for her 40th wedding anniversary. She gave these back to me when I married and I still have what is left of them as some got broken in shipment when I sailed for Canada. From 2013 back to 1954 this is an image that goes back into the past with love and remembrance.

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MarcViskens07-Jul-2013 15:16
excellent composition
Karen B.26-May-2013 16:35
beautiful image, a lovely memory. V -Karen
Carol Rollins21-May-2013 04:48
This is not only a great remembrance, but a pure work of art! Bravo Jess. ~
globalgadabout17-May-2013 14:59
you caught the perfect POV here...with every sip from these glasses you can remember your Mum..
Gary Hebert17-May-2013 11:22
excellent story and image Jess... would also look interesting on a diagonal with focus on last for 'Back to the Past'... :-))
marie-jose wolff17-May-2013 08:41
wonderful and creative composition! V
Hank Vander Velde17-May-2013 02:54
A memorable image with a good DOF Jess.
Sam Rua17-May-2013 01:14
Very creative set-up, Jess. The results is marvelous. V.
Margot W16-May-2013 22:17
Love the cascading image of these precious stemware.