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06-MAY-2013 Irene Wehrli

Rosenkäfer / (green) rose chafer

on my balcony
They especially love my candytufts...

Rosenkäfer / (green) rose chafer
They especially love my candytufts, they do not make much damage...

The rose chafer is a protected species in some European countries.
The rose chafer can be best protected by a sustainable agriculture and ecological gardening. The best thing you can do for them is to have a compost heap in your garden !


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Buba Jafarli16-May-2013 04:23
Amazing details in these macros! Bravo, Irene! V.
Patricia Kay10-May-2013 14:15
Beautiful images Irene...I have these in my garden in summer too...they are such a beautiful color...BV
Ika Zinka Eferl10-May-2013 07:14
Great colors and fine details and what a beautiful flowers there are sitting on!*V*
René Gysi09-May-2013 09:19
Eine sehr schöne Serie von diesen nützlichen Käfern. Sehr gut gefällt mir die grün/silbrige Farbe. Gute Arbeit, Irene! V
bill friedlander08-May-2013 23:31
Super macro series! Great idea to show the different angles! V
Isabel Cutler08-May-2013 23:16
Uh oh. Those look like what we call Japanese Beetles. Bad news!
Tom LeRoy08-May-2013 16:59
A superbly captured series of these beautiful looking bugs visiting your flowers. V
Margot W08-May-2013 16:55
After reading I see they feed on pollen and nectar.
Great photos.
Mary Bowles08-May-2013 16:17
Irene - such beautiful, emerald little creatures.
You have captured them wonderfully well, and they make great subjects but I worry for your flowers !