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Golden Gate Bridge

Walked the 1.7 mile bridge in both directions!
Beautiful views of San Francisco and Marin County!
BTW ~ there was some fog/mist in the air....

Also posted today:

Canon EOS 7D
1/160s f/9.0 at 35.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Marwan Habib31-Aug-2015 17:47
I love this bridge. It is really beautiful. Nice image, Stephanie.
Ken Duckert31-Aug-2015 12:32
Always a classic and this is a superb catch of the bridge. Very well done Stephanie!
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes15-Jun-2013 20:07
Wonderful shot of the bridge.
Lieve Snellings19-May-2013 13:30
Terrific Stephanie ! V
Guest 16-May-2013 11:43
Wow! Amazing capture!! v
Art Rodriguez09-May-2013 13:54
Love the treatment on this photo. Beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge. BV!
François Fauchard08-May-2013 13:33
Excellent view on yhis famous bridge.
Alain Boussac08-May-2013 04:59
Excellent composition and harmony of colors with the boat. Great image. BV.
Ken Duckert07-May-2013 11:27
Classic view Stephanie. Never tire of seeing this bridge. Excellent shot!
Jackdad05-May-2013 18:16
A good viewpoint of the famous bridge
Marisa Livet05-May-2013 17:51
Interesting and effective soft treatment, very suitable for the bridge which is so often in the mist!
Jeff Real05-May-2013 12:36
I love the way you have captured this and these wonderful colors ~V~
MarcViskens03-May-2013 19:43
this is a very nice one Stephanie
love it
beautiful mood
very well done
Carol Rollins03-May-2013 13:38
This is a gorgeous image, Steph! I love your presentation. ~
danad03-May-2013 12:05
Beautiful light, colors and framing. V.
Sandi Whitteker02-May-2013 14:06
Nice one, Stephanie! I love this viewpoint.
samikosemi02-May-2013 13:01
Very nice pic !
Sami !v
Cedric Sims02-May-2013 04:00
Nice one Stephanie! I see you made it to the bridge. V
Jola Dziubinska01-May-2013 18:02
Excellent and beautiful capture, Steph. Must have been a great weekend over there :) V.
Yiannis Pavlis01-May-2013 17:18
Nicely composed.V
Long Bach Nguyen01-May-2013 14:46
Nestor Derkach01-May-2013 14:18
Great image of the Golden Gate Bridge, you had a nice day to photograph this bridge.
I have see days you could not see the bridge for the fog.
fotabug01-May-2013 13:36
Oh, I bet that was fun! Never thought of walking it the few times I was there!
Tom LeRoy01-May-2013 12:40
A favorite place , well done shot of the iconic bridge.... So many memories! V
Milan Vogrin01-May-2013 12:36
Nie compo!V!
Carl H. Johnson01-May-2013 10:27
Great soft treatment!!!~V~
Zoltán Balogh01-May-2013 08:55
Very nice capture Steph! V
alfredo camba jr.01-May-2013 04:35
Wonderful travel photo and composition!! V
Margot W01-May-2013 04:04
This is a super shot. Very nice.
David Hobbs01-May-2013 03:07
I have only ever seen this bridge obscured by impenetrable fog. It is good to know it's actually there. :o) Sounds like a great walk. Fine image. BV
globalgadabout01-May-2013 02:57
a less common view looking north...admire your ingenuity here, and the technical sophistication....V
Yvonne01-May-2013 02:51
What a lovely sight to see, blue skies and a beautiful bridge! v
Sam Rua01-May-2013 02:27
Nice capture and comp, Stephanie.
LynnH01-May-2013 01:27
Awesome!!! Great colors and the mist really adds the S.F. atmosphere. BV
Hank Vander Velde01-May-2013 00:43
a beautiful well captured and nicely composed image stephanie.
Pierre30-Apr-2013 23:18
Une prise de vue absolument formidable magnifiquement cadrée, bravo Stephanie! BV
Jean Chiasson30-Apr-2013 22:57
Wow great image perspective Stephanie big vote
Jay Levin30-Apr-2013 22:15
A great view of the bridge, Stephanie, and terrific treatment.
sue anne30-Apr-2013 22:05
Beautiful . V
John Hamers30-Apr-2013 21:36
Excellent image !! beautifully composed and great colors !V
laine30-Apr-2013 21:32
a postcard image...a nice sunny view
bill friedlander30-Apr-2013 21:26
Great view of this iconic landmark! A very fine capture, Stephanie! V
Mairéad30-Apr-2013 21:21
That bridge really pops! Great composition too. V
patou30-Apr-2013 20:56
Belle prise de vue !
Simon Chandler30-Apr-2013 20:45
The most beautiful and dreamy image of this iconic structure. v
rousselziak30-Apr-2013 20:40
Excellent shot and treatement ! -V-
J. Scott Coile30-Apr-2013 19:56
Very nice processing.
Colin Storey30-Apr-2013 19:54
fantastic image of the bridge, great with the mist. v
Peter Sussex30-Apr-2013 19:47
Gorgeous presentation and like the ship harmonizing in color. V
Martin Lamoon30-Apr-2013 19:45
its a wonderful bridge, congratulations on your long walk. v
John Reynolds LRPS30-Apr-2013 19:17
Now that's a walk I'd love to do!
joseantonio30-Apr-2013 19:12
Love your POV here.V
Walter Otto Koenig30-Apr-2013 19:05
Great view of this iconic bridge. Nothing like it in the world. "V"
J S Quesada30-Apr-2013 19:00
Excellent capture of this landmark. Love the treatment. V
Raymond30-Apr-2013 18:52
Superb shot of the beautiful GG ... I hope you enjoyed Sausalito as well!
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet30-Apr-2013 18:36
Wow! Excellent picture.
Jim Coffman30-Apr-2013 18:13
And this is a beautiful view as well!!
Graeme30-Apr-2013 18:06
I love the treatment and perspective of the bridge, Stephanie.V
Gerard Koehl30-Apr-2013 17:47
Perfect... V
Frank Brault30-Apr-2013 17:46
A magical image of this famous structure! V
Chris30-Apr-2013 17:20
Just love it, a super photograph of an iconic bridge.
Helen Betts30-Apr-2013 17:17
Beautiful image of the bridge, there is a quality to the red that is quite appealing. Of course Marin is beautiful, I grew up there ;-). V.
Faye White30-Apr-2013 17:16
Postcard perfect!
Ray :)30-Apr-2013 16:56
Beautiful, especially with the green water.
Would love to go there, but maybe I should cover the Forth Road Bridge first!
Anitta30-Apr-2013 16:52
Dear friend! Thanks for taking me to my very favorite city! Love this bridge above all! This is truly a wonderful image!! Wow, it's quite a walk, Steph! Big V++
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)30-Apr-2013 16:51
Excellent in every respect.Vote
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