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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Gallery of Memoriams >> In Memoriam - Martha Jane Klitch > Mid 1990's - Rick Cybulski, Don Boyd, Cindy Klitch, Courtney Allred, Veronica, Martha Jane Klitch, Joann Kelly and Manny Davila
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Mid 1990's Courtesy of Rick Cybulski

Mid 1990's - Rick Cybulski, Don Boyd, Cindy Klitch, Courtney Allred, Veronica, Martha Jane Klitch, Joann Kelly and Manny Davila

Top of the Port Restaurant, Miami International Airport, FL view map

Thank you to Rick Cybulski for providing this great shot in the mid-1990's after Martha Jane Klitch retired and she came back to pay us a visit. Veronica is Rick's daughter and Courtney Allred is Jane's grand-daughter and daughter of Cindy Klitch. Her mom Cindy Klitch is directly above her in the background at the next table back. Joann Kelly was a good friend of Martha Jane's.

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