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The Equestrian

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clickA SF12-Sep-2013 20:46
Great portrait, priceless expression! BV
sue anne15-Apr-2013 02:29
Very nice portrait and the expression is so serious with a hint of a smile.
Karen Stuebing14-Apr-2013 21:30
She's really cute in her riding clothes. I love her expression. Super portrait. V.
Mike H.14-Apr-2013 19:55
You certainly nailed this one.. Lovely young lady in her equestrian livery; fine portrait.
Colin Storey14-Apr-2013 18:53
Superb portrait with fantastic details anf dof. v
Jim's Atavistic Visions14-Apr-2013 18:31
Well shot and beautiful.
Jean Chiasson14-Apr-2013 17:11
Beautiful portrait and smile Walter vote
Gerard Koehl14-Apr-2013 17:10
Joli portrait... V
Tom LeRoy14-Apr-2013 16:42
Excellent pose and expression., Walter. Great colors, especially those pink ribbons. V
Frank Brault14-Apr-2013 16:39
Such a beautiful portrait and young equestrian! Love her expression. V
Carol Rollins14-Apr-2013 16:35
Great expression. Fabulous portrait of this little horse woman.
joseantonio14-Apr-2013 15:42
Beautiful and elegant. Love that smile.V.
Jim Coffman14-Apr-2013 15:20
Wow,exceptional work,Walter!!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)14-Apr-2013 15:17
Nice portrait Walter, as her seriousness begins to yield a smile.
Martin Lamoon14-Apr-2013 14:59
Very smartly dressed. Good portrait. v
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