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John Lamb | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monthly Challenges > The girl with red sunnys.
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© J Lamb 2013

The girl with red sunnys.


The town was buzzing with visitors at the annual Thieve's Alley market day.

Other Pbasers seeing red.

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8 ED-IF AF-S
1/400s f/8.0 at 45.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barbara Heide12-Feb-2013 22:55
this is so cool!
Guest 11-Feb-2013 14:02
I have the exact same pairs, down to those 2 metal decor. I found mine in my favorite beer case. :) V (I'm still wondering if will use them in challenge, they are on my studio table)
Stephanie11-Feb-2013 13:30
A little bit of sunshine! Love the red sunglasses! :)
Yvonne11-Feb-2013 11:10
Lovely capture of the young girl!
borisalex11-Feb-2013 07:09
Her smile outshines the sunglasses so bright , so red! V.
Mieke WA Minkjan11-Feb-2013 07:04
perfect catch John BV
Micky Waby11-Feb-2013 02:51
She looks totally relaxed and proud of her red sunny's
carol j. phipps11-Feb-2013 02:47
A real standout with those glasses and that smile.
LynnH11-Feb-2013 01:34
A bright and happy photo! Makes me smile!
Laryl11-Feb-2013 00:41
the red glasses pop with her denim blues.. great smile too
Walter Otto Koenig10-Feb-2013 23:24
Very nice portrait. Well composed with this depth of field and Sushi Bar sign in the background.
lisamidi10-Feb-2013 21:09
Great candid and find for red.
Frank Brault10-Feb-2013 20:56
A marvelous portrait. Love those sunglasses. V
laine10-Feb-2013 20:48
A perfect red..she looks happy to pose
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