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04-AUG-2012 LynnH

Two Yellow Lambos

Houston, TX

Sony DSLR-A700
1/1000s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Graeme14-Jan-2013 23:24
Dont they just look wonderful together!BV
Karen Stuebing14-Jan-2013 22:55
They must have come there together. Surely, this wasn't a coincidence? Great find and capture. V.
Jackdad14-Jan-2013 22:22
is it me or is one a bit yellower than the other?:-D
Ceya14-Jan-2013 20:08
Certainly an eye-catching couple, these two yellows! They seem to be smiling.. :)Nice shot. V
Walter Otto Koenig14-Jan-2013 15:34
These two are certainly attention getters.