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Weedy Sea Dragon (Phyllopteryx)

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/500s f/2.8 at 44.0mm iso4000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
John Barreiro09-Jun-2017 16:51
I saw this in Show & Tell. I'm happy I clicked on it so that I could see the image in a larger size. An extra bonus was finding this excellent gallery.
Graeme08-Jun-2017 21:16
Terrific capture of this stunning sea dragon, Walter. The lighting and colours are spot on.BV!!
cits_4_pets07-Jun-2017 05:38
Great details and vivid!
carlogalliani29-Sep-2013 15:15
Beautiful image !
LynnH09-Jan-2013 02:03
This is absolutely fantastic. BV
Carol How15-Dec-2012 19:00
So beautiful as if suspended in space! V
Patrick F05-Dec-2012 21:55
Beautiful this flashy (Sea)horse!!!!!!! V++++
Dan Greenberg03-Dec-2012 06:09
Phenomenal! The colors are so intense and beautiful. Was this lit with a black light? ~BV~
Frank Brault03-Dec-2012 01:07
A magnificent close-up with amazing details and colors. It loos as if it is dancing ballet. Marvelous work Walter. V
Carl Carbone03-Dec-2012 00:53
Great shot Walter! What a beautiful beast!
Marcia Colelli03-Dec-2012 00:47
Beautiful image. Great colors V
Photo.Keely02-Dec-2012 23:23
Beautiful image! Well done! V.
Jean Chiasson02-Dec-2012 23:06
Wow spectacular image Walter big vote
Karen Stuebing02-Dec-2012 22:59
This is so cool. What beautiful colors and love it isolated against the background. V.
Jim Coffman02-Dec-2012 22:40
Wow, what a great image,Walter!!
Guest 02-Dec-2012 22:32
Beautiful creature, expert capture.
Mairéad02-Dec-2012 21:45
Looks like it's made out of glass - just beautiful. V
Kim02-Dec-2012 21:35
Amazing creature, very well captured! V
Martin Lamoon02-Dec-2012 21:28
The detail and colours are magnificent. Excellent capture. v
Guest 02-Dec-2012 20:27
Guest 02-Dec-2012 20:01
monsters are floating all over. Great capture, you sure got a fish story here. :) V
Noël02-Dec-2012 19:52
I have never seen anything like that. Stunning photo Walter v
Guest 02-Dec-2012 19:19
Outstanding study of this fantastic little animal,Walter! :>))
bill friedlander02-Dec-2012 19:05
Stunning capture, Walter! Light, colors, and details are simply amazing! Chapeau! V
Gerard Koehl02-Dec-2012 18:12
Wow... Extraordinaire. V
Helen Betts02-Dec-2012 18:08
This creature is pretty amazing, Walter, luminous in fact. Superb color and detail and a fantastic capture. V.
joseantonio02-Dec-2012 17:14
This is absolutely amazing.V
globalgadabout02-Dec-2012 17:01
a scene from an underwater ballet...totally enchanting...V
McGarva02-Dec-2012 16:57
Superb image ... colours are amazing! :)
Margot W02-Dec-2012 16:27
Stephanie02-Dec-2012 15:36
This is a fabulous capture Walter! Such a pretty, pretty sea dragon! :) VV
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