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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2012 - A Year of images! > Layered Light
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25-Oct-12 McGarva

Layered Light

Hopeman, Moray, Scotland

Late low winter light breaking through the heavy clouds and hitting the layered geological features on Hopeman beach

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Karin Doeling15-Jun-2013 21:33
Wonderful light and compo.
Dan Greenberg20-Nov-2012 02:38
A unique and supremely interesting view, captured in brilliant fashion. Sensational!! ~BV~
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE315-Nov-2012 20:01
I love the light on the rocks in this one. V
Graeme13-Nov-2012 22:26
Beautiful lighting and stone tones, Tony.BV
Guest 13-Nov-2012 21:08
wonderful light, mood,seascape.
J. Scott Coile13-Nov-2012 18:36
Such strong geometry. Well accentuated by the light/shadows!
Bill Miller13-Nov-2012 14:23
Very nice light catching those faces and joints.
regi olbrechts13-Nov-2012 07:16
Excellent golden compo McG
Johnny JAG12-Nov-2012 21:31
Fabulous light
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