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Mieke WA Minkjan | all galleries >> Photo a day gallery >> Abstract in September > 30
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21-SEP-2012 © MiekeWAMinkjan


Stencil art

Canon PowerShot SX20 IS
1/30s f/2.8 at 5.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Laryl30-Sep-2012 18:48
the end, literally! love the colors
LynnH30-Sep-2012 17:18
This is a perfect ending for the September challenge. A real work of art. Wonderful find and photo!
borisalex30-Sep-2012 06:42
Super finale with the artistic work both from you and the artist creating that graffiti! Thank you so much Mieke for your creativity you put in this challenge to make it so sucessful!V.
cits_4_pets30-Sep-2012 05:07
Great shot of abstract art and love the textures are great.