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30-JUL-2012 Vern Rogers (fotabug)

Center of Attention

The magnolia blossom is a thing of beauty! This one was a little way up in a magnolia tree located in Skinner Butte Park.
My Tamron 18-270mm VC PZD drew it close.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS02-Aug-2012 17:36
Great lighting Vern, and such a pretty flower!
Hernan E. Enriquez02-Aug-2012 13:22
Great shot Vern, our magnolia blossoms are gone to seed pods now.
NealyBob02-Aug-2012 05:57
Outstanding capture of this very beautiful Magnolia~!
waterfalls man02-Aug-2012 01:24
Excellent shot V!!
Chris Gibbins01-Aug-2012 21:34
Quite a dramatic image, Vern, and well captured.
Helen Betts01-Aug-2012 19:52
The light and color are simply outstanding here. Beautiful capture of a gorgeous blossom, Vern.
Barry Ailetcher01-Aug-2012 18:21
Real nice
Martin Lamoon01-Aug-2012 16:49
Wonderful colour. V
s_barbour01-Aug-2012 15:48
Very beautiful shot Vern!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)01-Aug-2012 15:08
Impressive,great catch! V
martyn george (Hedonic3000)01-Aug-2012 14:07
Lovely contrast.
Jack Hoying01-Aug-2012 11:40
Sure is pretty in the lush leaves.
Ronald Bijtenhoorn01-Aug-2012 10:22
Very nice shot of this beautiful flower
Ed Duverger01-Aug-2012 08:56
A wonderful pic,would be great on my wall.
Ann01-Aug-2012 06:25
This is a beauty Vern. Beautifully captured.
Bea.01-Aug-2012 04:30
It is indeed a thing of beauty!
joseantonio01-Aug-2012 04:18
Great capture. Love your presentations with this light and color...V
Bob Moeller01-Aug-2012 04:12
Guest 01-Aug-2012 04:07
Beautifully seen and shot
Paul Milholland01-Aug-2012 03:31
That is a beauty of a blossom.
Steve Thuman01-Aug-2012 01:17
Wonderful light and detail
Hank Vander Velde01-Aug-2012 01:03
Beautiful well composed and well captioned image Vern.
Michele Rodgers01-Aug-2012 00:47
Something so simple ... yet so beautiful. Lovely shot!
Felixs Nana 01-Aug-2012 00:42
Gorgeous!! Lovely flower Vern!
parrothouse01-Aug-2012 00:41
Great light and color, a pretty image.
Mike H.01-Aug-2012 00:38
Very much agree about magnolias -- fine catch of this natural beauty, Vern!
Ruth Voorhis01-Aug-2012 00:20
Gorgeous color and detail!
Stephanie31-Jul-2012 23:52
This is a gorgeous flower! Beautiful photo too! :)
Laura Milholland31-Jul-2012 23:42
Gloriuos, Vern! Very nicely shot.
Guest 31-Jul-2012 23:38
Very nice Vern. The lens looks like it does as fine a job as you said
christopheru31-Jul-2012 23:31
Very nice Vern. I do like how you present pictures of greenery - such lush colours!
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