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Margaret Lew | all galleries >> Italia - Italy 2012 >> Fiesole > Madonna del Parto e donatore -- Madonna of childbirth with donor (1355-1360)
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Madonna del Parto e donatore -- Madonna of childbirth with donor (1355-1360)

Museo Bandini, Fiesole

By Nardo di Cione (documented in Florence 1343-1365)

Canon PowerShot A710IS
1/13s f/2.8 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Andrys Basten29-Jul-2012 04:40
I don't think I've ever seen (or noticed, more likely) the relative sizing that's showing
in this image. It's very 'Egyptian' in that way. Here, a donor would get a larger
treatment :-) Thanks for capturing these. Very unusual.