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meekam tam | all galleries >> Galleries >> where_the_east_meets_the_west > Family Ride in a Mini
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Family Ride in a Mini

This is a 3D treated image from the postered wall of the restaurant.

Posted on 15 July 2012

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fletcher Wildlife Garden04-May-2013 02:33
I really like what you've done here. A fun, colourful image. V
Tom LeRoy06-Sep-2012 11:56
Colorful and unique composition with a creative and fun title!V!
CM Kwan17-Jul-2012 12:53
Excellent capture, MK! V
Lieve Snellings17-Jul-2012 09:44
funny and colourful... great joy... V
Lennart Waara17-Jul-2012 08:57
Great interesting colorful composition!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Jul-2012 05:23
Top notch! V
Guest 16-Jul-2012 06:03
Great shot Meekam! V
Ali Majdfar15-Jul-2012 21:59
Fabulous! ~V
Vickie BROWN15-Jul-2012 19:17
Why not? Great title and image, sounds an attractive adverting title of Mini!
Colin Storey15-Jul-2012 16:11
Great fun and colourful image. v
Stephanie15-Jul-2012 13:57
Fun, fun, fun! Super pp work MK! V
Jim Coffman15-Jul-2012 12:13