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Stephanie | all galleries >> Europe >> England >> Somerset >> Bath > Lunch
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A delicious lunch at RAPHAEL'S in Bath!
In fact, this may have been our best meal in England! :)

I will post my last image of Bath tomorrow.
It's time to move onto Castle Combe next! :)

T minus 273....

Canon EOS 40D
1/60s f/4.5 at 53.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault10-Feb-2012 00:28
Beautifully presented both by RAPHAEL'S and by you. V
Milan Vogrin09-Feb-2012 19:42
Mm, I like fish too. Look great!
Graeme09-Feb-2012 00:02
Looks like a nice meal, Stephanie.V
an N 08-Feb-2012 01:28
Wow ,
I don't think I can eat that .
LynnH07-Feb-2012 23:54
Ugh... not for me. I won't eat anything with a face still on it. Even then, I'm not fond of fish, or green stuff. I'll eat the asparagus.
But it is a nice photo!
Patricia Kay07-Feb-2012 23:38
Wold love it with the eyes staring at me Steph...BV
carabias07-Feb-2012 23:02
¡Un rico plato para coger mucha energía! Bella captura, Stephanie. V
Phillip Normanton07-Feb-2012 22:46
Ewww - fishies are bad enough to eat without their heads being attached gulp! :o)
laine07-Feb-2012 22:43
Looks delicious, Steph!!
Martin Lamoon07-Feb-2012 22:11
Very nice! V
See you went to one of my favourite places ' Castle Combe' Home of Doctor Dolittle, saw the 1967 film being made there and it has a great hotel The Manor House, stayed there a few times!
Johnny JAG07-Feb-2012 21:40
I tend to agree with Sue Ann
Colin Storey07-Feb-2012 20:34
This looks delicious. Superb image of your meal. v
David Hobbs07-Feb-2012 20:22
I hope this was a tasty lunch, it certainly LOOKS great. Arranging meals on a plate is an art ... is it not? V
sven07-Feb-2012 19:56
Nice but I am not sure I like the head included on my plate. (:
Kevin Chester07-Feb-2012 19:30
Is that Bacon his wrapped in?
Helen Betts07-Feb-2012 18:57
Well, not being a fish person, I can appreciate how delicious it must have been for you but wouldn't want to try it myself ;-). Nicely composed image, though! V.
joseantonio07-Feb-2012 17:35
Seems it has to be delicious
J. Scott Coile07-Feb-2012 17:13
Always on the go.
Colin Dixon CPAGB07-Feb-2012 16:03
ummmm looks good :))
Walter Otto Koenig07-Feb-2012 15:51
The fish looks great, but I really like the solitary asparagus half draped over it. LOL!
Chris07-Feb-2012 15:27
Love it, but please take the head off before saving!
Linda Matta07-Feb-2012 15:18
Now I'm craving!
Margot W07-Feb-2012 14:45
Fish and chips. Looks like a great lunch.
Vickie BROWN07-Feb-2012 14:34
Gorgeous scene, it looks so delicious, I am going to my kitchen...! BV
Art Rodriguez07-Feb-2012 14:33
No thanks, I'll stick to chicken! LOL! Looks like some type of lizard. V!
Ursula Armstrong07-Feb-2012 14:28
Hmmm, looks good to a fish lover like me. By the way, English cooking is not as bad as everybody thinks... Uschi
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