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Rainbow House!

Coming back to Tobermory, we saw a single, then a double, then a triple rainbow.
We flew out of the car, trying to take pictures with rain coming down on us. Fun!
Actually the one at an angle to the other two is called a Reflection Rainbow,
where the reflects off of still water before hitting the rain drops in the air.
Hence the different direction of the arch of the rainbow.

Canon EOS 40D
1/50s f/14.1 at 27.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 14-Nov-2011 08:40
tinkerb07-Nov-2011 21:01
Absolutely superb - a first for me too. Great the way it lands on the house. V
Stewart Mitchell07-Nov-2011 09:17
Wow....never seen one of those before!!
McGarva06-Nov-2011 21:44
Stunning Skip ... Fond memories of an amazing weekend! :)
jenwindress06-Nov-2011 21:17
Beautiful! worth getting rained on!
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