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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Repülőnapok,repülőterek és múzeumok - Airshows,airports and museums >> AirPower11 Zeltweg >
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Nikon D200
1/800s f/9.0 at 170.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
bill friedlander29-Sep-2011 18:09
Lovely shot of these big birds. Very nice grouping. V
Naret Visesvongsa29-Sep-2011 08:46
Nice idea for this capture.
joseantonio29-Sep-2011 05:00
Very nice duet
Colin Storey28-Sep-2011 22:05
Great flight shot of these two big planes. v
Stephanie28-Sep-2011 21:25
Wonderful flight shot! V
Patricia Kay28-Sep-2011 21:16
Fabulous capture Zoltan...You are so good at these plane shots!...BV
Chris Spracklen28-Sep-2011 20:49
Good shot of these airborne heavyweights, Zoltan.
Guest 28-Sep-2011 20:45
excellent capture Zoltan.
John Reynolds LRPS28-Sep-2011 20:11
Excellent capture. V.
Gerard Koehl28-Sep-2011 19:26
Superbe duo en vol... V
Jim Coffman28-Sep-2011 19:26
Another fine capture,Zoltan!! V
Webman0628-Sep-2011 19:22
Formation flight !!! I really enjoyed that ;-) V
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