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Art Wittingen | all galleries >> ** PORTFOLIO ** >> Birds >> Plovers & Waders >> Kemphaan / Ruff > Philomachus pugnax / Kemphaan / Ruff
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Philomachus pugnax / Kemphaan / Ruff

Wagejot - Texel (NL)

This bird is ringed in the Netherlands
Deze vogel, is in Nederland geringd
Kleurcode: B5YRRR Naam Ringer: Cees Dekker
Ringnr: 1543790
Datum vangst: 11-2-2011
Vangplaats: Stavoren, Zuidermeerpolder The Netherlands 52.52.27 N 05.23.14 E

Waarnemingen van deze vogel:/ Sights of this bird:
6-3-2011 Koudum, Haanmeerpolder The Netherlands 52.55.41 N 05.25.55 E
19-3-2011 Stavoren, Polder The Netherlands 52.53.54 N 05.22.38 E
22-3-2011 Stavoren, Polder The Netherlands 52.53.54 N 05.22.38 E
16-4-2011 Molkwerum, Noorderpolder The Netherlands 52.54.43 N 05.25.05 E
20-8-2011 Oost,Texel,Wagejot,Krassekeet The Netherlands 53.05.20 N 04.53.41 E

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM
1/640s f/9.0 at 420.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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