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Mairéad | all galleries >> Co Louth, Ireland >> Bellurgan Park >
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Nikon D7000
1/250s f/9.0 at 52.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy21-Jul-2011 19:29
Great details and light in this beautiful floxglove shot!V!
Dek Grant17-Jul-2011 19:11
Superb foxglove, great colour, well done.
Kevin Chester16-Jul-2011 10:30
Great how it still has the pink spots of the wilder variety
Colin Storey15-Jul-2011 18:55
Wonderful foxglove image. v
Michal Leszczynski15-Jul-2011 11:19
Beautiful image. V.
Stephanie15-Jul-2011 10:58
So delicate and pretty!
Carl Carbone15-Jul-2011 03:06
Nicely exposed to catch all the subtle tones. V
Frank Brault15-Jul-2011 01:31
So beautiful.
Guest 14-Jul-2011 23:35
Beautiful and delicate!
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