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Nikon Coolpix P7000
1/117s f/6.3 at 20.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean D08-Jul-2011 02:45
Excellent and timely with very synchronized poses in feeding mode, Norbi. ~V
Chris Spracklen28-Jun-2011 15:32
Excellent shot of these wonderfully marked geese, Norbi.
Frank Brault25-Jun-2011 21:54
I terrific juxtaposition. I agree that the car ads tension to the scene. V
Blandine Mangin25-Jun-2011 17:02
very nice scene ! v
Walter Otto Koenig25-Jun-2011 15:01
A fascinating image. The inclusion of the car is brilliant. "V"
settler25-Jun-2011 15:00
Therapeutic light..V!
Lamar Nix25-Jun-2011 14:34
Presence of auto introduces interesting tension into the otherwise idyllic scene of masked geese feeding in a clover field.
Nestor Derkach25-Jun-2011 14:17
Nice capture Norbi, must be something very appetizing for them.
Nice light and superb resolution.
lou_rozensteins25-Jun-2011 07:58
Excellent work. They are attractive birds!