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Anna Pagnacco | all galleries >> Galleries >> People From Asia >
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lou_rozensteins02-May-2011 07:24
A beautiful face with a lot of intensity! I like the texture and the details. Well done.
Claude Martin02-May-2011 05:59
Fabulous portrait! V
Guest 01-May-2011 19:13
Bold and beautiful! Even the tone in this image is telling many stories! Bravo ~V
Buba Jafarli01-May-2011 18:04
A thought provoking, powerful portrait! You are big artist, Anna!V.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad01-May-2011 17:50
Beautiful portrait with wonderful clarity of detail. Voted
Jeroen Bosman01-May-2011 17:45
great light and detail in the fabric, v.