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Alexander Kazakov | all galleries >> France >> Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > 02BR5256_FRA.jpg
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Anna & Christian RECK18-Dec-2015 15:05
What a gorgeous picture!! BV. Anna
bill friedlander30-Sep-2015 17:15
Wow! Spectacular view of the wondrous landscape. V
joseantonio23-Jul-2015 05:16
Wow, what an amazing view.V
Pierre12-Apr-2015 22:53
Un paysage tout à fait spectaculaire! V
Jean-Rene A09-Sep-2014 09:50
In these landscapes, when we are in top, we want to be in bottom (very nice and accessible river) and when we are in bottom, we want to be in top (very impressive peaks).
Very well done.
Steve Macomber20-Jun-2012 17:07
Looks like you were on top of the world. Beautiful Capture. V
Guest 04-Nov-2011 22:54
What a grand valley, well captured. V
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