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Blandine Mangin | all galleries >> Vision du Vietnam >> Vietnam en noir et blanc >
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OCT-2010 Blandine Mangin

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Nestor Derkach22-Feb-2011 18:04
Merveilleux monochrome !!
Guest 22-Feb-2011 15:15
Very good composition.
globalgadabout22-Feb-2011 14:37
certainly atmospheric with the low light..V
an nguyen22-Feb-2011 14:07
Adore your style of moody b&w images .
Guest 22-Feb-2011 12:59
Wonderful low light image, Blandine. Well done. V
Fong Lam22-Feb-2011 12:49
Great capture of this woman worshipping, Blandine...V
Jeff Real22-Feb-2011 12:33
This darkness creates a powerful mood ~V~
Stephanie22-Feb-2011 09:33
Lovely lighting! Well seen image! V
Gerard Koehl22-Feb-2011 08:51
L'ambiance est toujours aussi subtile... V
Guest 22-Feb-2011 07:13
I like the atmosphere and the fee of the moment here! bravo ~V