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Bea. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Local Bird Life > Welcome Swallows, Australian Swallows or House Swallows.
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14-FEB-2011 Bea

Welcome Swallows, Australian Swallows or House Swallows.


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Virginia Craig04-Mar-2011 12:09
Great grouping and composition!
Michel Terrien 19-Feb-2011 11:40
Lovely. Beautiful composition.
Ruth Voorhis18-Feb-2011 05:36
Lovely composition and colours.
paplvr16-Feb-2011 20:05
Wow lovely image. Love the curve of the bush with the bird ornaments. Linda S
Yvonne16-Feb-2011 00:03
Gorgeous capture Bea, they are so pretty & cute.
GaryNZ 15-Feb-2011 07:34
Nice catch
fotabug15-Feb-2011 05:17
great shot
Roger Bailey14-Feb-2011 22:10
Nice to see them sitting still for a change, very nice image of the foursome.
Laura Milholland14-Feb-2011 19:52
Wonderful shot of them all resting together like that. Nicely shot, Bea.
Guest 14-Feb-2011 19:33
This is lovely Bea. Very nice composition.
Barry Ailetcher14-Feb-2011 18:30
very nice Bea
Ed Duverger14-Feb-2011 14:02
Nice compo in this good capture.
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