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19-JAN-2011 Dan Wyman

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Fong Lam20-Jan-2011 14:03
These waves and your image literally will sweep you off your feet...V
lou_rozensteins20-Jan-2011 07:47
Lots of power there! Well done.
Milan Vogrin20-Jan-2011 07:46
Great shot!V!
Bryan Murahashi20-Jan-2011 04:30
An awesome shot of this windswept wave.
Carol Rollins20-Jan-2011 04:06
Wow. I had no idea from the thumbnail that I was going to see such beautiful power.
This is almost overwhelming, Dan. Fantastic photography. ~
don nieman20-Jan-2011 03:03
You can feel the power in this image.
Tom Munson20-Jan-2011 00:34
René Gysi19-Jan-2011 23:04
Powerful! V
Gerard Koehl19-Jan-2011 21:42
Superbe... V