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Graeme | all galleries >> Galleries >> Askrigg Village >
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Photomatix Pro 4.0 HDR

Askrigg Village, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire

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Fabienne14-Jun-2012 20:13
Jolie composition et couleurs.
LynnH05-Dec-2010 02:52
Fabulous perspective. Blue accents are awesome! V
Neal Nye28-Nov-2010 12:02
Delightful colors. One wants to applaud at the blue streets!
Stephanie28-Nov-2010 10:41
Wonderful compo and lighting Graeme! V
Blandine Mangin28-Nov-2010 08:06
very beautiful compo ! v
Martin Lamoon28-Nov-2010 07:03
A very powerful image, superb work. V+
January Grey28-Nov-2010 06:30
A charming home! Lovely composition, Graeme. V~
Dan the Man28-Nov-2010 03:47
I love the composition and the colours...!!
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