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Rosemarie Kusserow | all galleries >> Thuringia "The House of Silence* >> Silent Days 2010 >
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17-NOV-2010 Rosemarie

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7
1/13s f/2.8 at 6.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
godro18-Jan-2013 01:12
nice angle and work!!!
Igor 08-Dec-2010 20:29
Great idea!
Terry McManus07-Dec-2010 11:59
Beautiful! -v-
Milan Vogrin05-Dec-2010 15:50
Very nice!
Guest 30-Nov-2010 20:31
Outstanding - love the colours and composition ! Well done. Voted.
Raymond Ma28-Nov-2010 07:30
Wonderful! V
Francisco Figueras27-Nov-2010 18:28
Love It.
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