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21-NOV-2010 Vern Rogers (fotabug)

A Taste of Snow

Nikon D3 ,Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6D IF AF
1/160s f/6.3 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ruth Voorhis03-Dec-2010 04:05
Very pretty scene, Vern.
Jeff 28-Nov-2010 23:25
Beautiful winter scene, especially from Florida.
Rebecca Leberman 24-Nov-2010 00:06
Nice shot. We have almost 2 feet in La Pine. It took us 4 hours to shovel or driveway.
momad3004424-Nov-2010 00:01
Beautiful! I'd like that much snow for the entire winter!
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS23-Nov-2010 21:34
Wonderful winter image!
Guest 23-Nov-2010 18:30
Sure makes for a nice picture.
Barry Ailetcher23-Nov-2010 17:56
very nice we had some and more comming tonight
Rich Strobel23-Nov-2010 16:26
Very nice Vern, San Diego mountains even got a little bit!!
Steve Thuman23-Nov-2010 16:04
Wow, what a wonderful winter scene!
Jack Hoying23-Nov-2010 12:10
That does make for a pretty scene!
Roger Bailey23-Nov-2010 11:34
Great image, very Christmasy.
Graham 23-Nov-2010 10:52
Super shot Vern thats a sprinkling for sure
Ed Duverger23-Nov-2010 10:35
Oh,I want one of those trees for X-mas.They are already very nicely decorated.
Bea.23-Nov-2010 08:26
To us in the warmer parts of the World the snow shots are so pretty.
Guest 23-Nov-2010 07:48
Very nice Vern, its soooo pretty.
Aaron M 23-Nov-2010 07:09
Love the use of the road/tire tracks to draw the eye through this. Well done!
v c bacon23-Nov-2010 07:02
Guess winter's here, like it or not!
Chris Cochems 23-Nov-2010 06:45
What is that white stuff all over? It looks messy. :-)

Looks like that is a well-traveled road.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Nov-2010 06:31
Beautiful work my friend! V+
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