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marie-jose wolff | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abruzzo, Italia. > sunny path
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20-SEP-2010 marie-jose wolff

sunny path

Abruzzo, Italy

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer07-Nov-2010 22:03
Excellent! Vote.
Máire Uí Mhaicín01-Nov-2010 20:31
The lines of light provide a special interest in this image.
fdt05-Oct-2010 19:11
Très belle prise. f
Ali Majdfar05-Oct-2010 17:35
Fantastic capture! ~V
Máire Uí Mhaicín05-Oct-2010 16:34
A lovely capture of light and shade, height and depth.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Oct-2010 14:49
Great perspective and so nice with the two shafts of light. "V"
mario .n05-Oct-2010 11:48
Ces deux filets de lumières sont d'un bel effet sur la composition !
Patricia Kay05-Oct-2010 11:25
Beautiful light and shadows Marie...BV
Zoltán Balogh05-Oct-2010 08:14
Really nice, congratulations! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi05-Oct-2010 07:02
I'm excited to see on these pages some trails that I walk many times :)
Guest 05-Oct-2010 07:00
beautiful , sunny but take care Marie.
lou_rozensteins05-Oct-2010 05:56
Lovely light and composition. Well done.
Paco López05-Oct-2010 05:18
Muy buenas luces y texturas, V!!
Gerard Koehl05-Oct-2010 04:33
Superbe cadrage avec ces diagonales. V
globalgadabout05-Oct-2010 03:11
an imposing track across this slippery slope...deliciously captured...V
laine04-Oct-2010 22:57
Ruggedly beautiful...soon to be covered in snow no doubt!
PauloCGama04-Oct-2010 22:22
Wonderful scene & fabulous details, MJ. Sun really adds a stunning touch.
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