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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> September 2010 > Blue Passion Flower
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Coleen Perilloux Landry

Blue Passion Flower

For Petesie-hope you're doing fine

This flower grows on a vine, a vine with tendrils that attaches itself to anything near it. It makes a small fruit, the size of a lemon, with hundreds of seeds surrounded by a fleshly covering. The taste is out of this world. They grow wild in the southern United States and when we were little we would keep our vines secret when we found them in the woods.
Butterflies are greatly attracted to these flowers.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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petesie26-Sep-2010 22:29
I finally made it out to my butterfly garden today while my granddaughter watered for me. No passion flowers blooming so this is extra, extra special. Hope you have loads of butterflies.
Jackdad25-Sep-2010 07:15
an extraordinary flower. A nice tribute for your friend.
Frank Wilson25-Sep-2010 03:50
Goes to show me you learn something new every day. This is new to me . . . and what a unique beauty. Nice work Coleen and thanks for putting it out there.
Guest 25-Sep-2010 03:09
Beautiful Maypop Flower.....we used to find them on side of railroad tracks in Norco....just gave away my secret!!....In my book, it is the most beautiful flower they make....I remember the first time I saw one by myself as a kid...I ran home thinking I had found a flower from the moon or something! Beautiful this a wild one?
Ed Preston24-Sep-2010 22:23
Absolutely beautiful! I'd love to have a nuisance like that. Love the perspective Coleen! Is that the fruit in the center?
Guest 24-Sep-2010 20:55
And they're almost a nuisance. Regret that we did not pot any that we had and bring them up here, as your photo shows, they are beautiful and intricate.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Sep-2010 18:37
A superb capture! Well done,Vote!
LynnH24-Sep-2010 16:17
Those tendrils around the edges are hypnotizing! Love this beautiful blue photo! V
Shayne24-Sep-2010 14:22
what a beautiful flower ~ great image Coleen
pkocinski24-Sep-2010 12:42
Not something we have up here. It's an amazing looking flower. Great image!
joanteno24-Sep-2010 12:08
Amazing flower.
Neal Nye24-Sep-2010 11:07
What a gorgeous blossom. I wish they grew up here!
Zak24-Sep-2010 09:31
Really nice!!
Linda Willets24-Sep-2010 03:40
WOW.. have never seen one this color.. you have captured it's beauty. vote
Cindi Smith24-Sep-2010 03:30
One of my fave flowers. Petesie will love it. They are so other worldly. They grow wild in East Texas. I just love this image!
Dennis Hoyne24-Sep-2010 02:48
I've never seen one of these, a stunning image, Coleen!
Yvonne24-Sep-2010 02:29
What a beautiful flower & lovely thought! I hope Petesie is recovering quickly too!
Bill Ewart Jr24-Sep-2010 01:52
I've NEVER seen a flower like this in my life! Wow, amazing!~
s_barbour24-Sep-2010 01:33
Stunning shot Coleen,amazing details! V
Hank Vander Velde24-Sep-2010 01:32
BEAUTIFUL sharp and most colorful image Coleen.
A J Adams24-Sep-2010 01:11
Real nice shot.
fredrcox24-Sep-2010 00:53
A very pretty capture!
Jean Ray24-Sep-2010 00:38
Gorgeous image of a passion flower!V
laine23-Sep-2010 23:11
I sent her a message this best for her too!
Gorgeous shot & she will love it.